Elimination of contamination at entry nodes in fixed contamination protection facilities


defense against weapons of mass destruction
collective protection
contamination elimination


The article deals with the current issue of protecting people after biological, chemical and radioactive contamination in the entrance systems of permanent defense facilities.  The problem concerns the elimination of contamination of persons entering the facility, shipments and their personal equipment. Contamination elimination is the only component of the defense system against weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in which the recovery of the combat capability of people, equipment and technology after contamination takes place. It is important to realize that the process may not be fully effective, and that the remaining residual contamination may pose a significant threat to the lives of those in the facility. The problem also applies to the soldier's equipment that will be brought into the facility, as there are currently no non-destructive means and methodologies for contamination elimination in the Polish Armed Forces. It is important to realize the postponement of carrying out the process of contamination elimination of exposed skin surfaces or uniforms can be tragic in its consequences.

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